"The chase" Photo by: Padraicyclops
  • Bloat  or Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) is a very serious condition that occurs when the stomach becomes distended with air, and then twists on itself while dilated. This interferes with the blood supply digestive organs, blocks the passage of food, thus leading to worse bloat. The distended stomach impedes the normal return of blood to the heart, causing a decrease in blood pressure and drastically reduced cardiac output. Blood/oxygen-deprived tissues start to die, releasing toxins into the blood stream which among other adverse effects, cause serious disturbances in heart rhythms (cardiac arrhythmias). Dogs affected by bloat can die within hours.

Dogs most susceptible to bloat are the large, deep-chested breeds, in whom the stomach appears to be more mobile within the abdomen. Risk factors are: hereditary predisposition, over-eating (large meals), rapid eating, raised feeders, pre-moistening of dry food preserved with citric acid, feeding dry food with a fat in the top four ingredients. The risk of bloat increases with age. Feeding a food with a rendered meat ingredient, inclusive of bone, in the first four ingredients decreases the risk of bloat. The Purdue veterinary research team, who conducted a research study in 2000 into the risk factors associated with bloat concluded these are the things you can do to help prevent bloat:

a. The strongest recommendation to prevent GVD (bloat) should be to not breed a dog that has a first degree relative that has had bloat. This places a special responsibility on an owner to inform the breeder should their dog bloat.

b. Do not raise the feeding dish (there are arguments for and against this)

c. SLOW the dog's speed of eating.


**For more information about Bloat, go to  http://www.woodhavenlabs.com/bloat.html


The White Boxer

**A Warning for all Boxer Dog Owners about Acepromazine


There is one drug commonly used by your veterinarian that should not be used in the Boxer dog called Acepromazine.  Acepromazine is a tranquilizer, which is often used as a pre-anesthetic agent. In the Boxer, it can cause a problem called first degree heart block, a potentially serious arrhythmia of the heart. It also causes a profound hypotension (severe lowering of the blood pressure) in many Boxers that receive the drug. The reactions included collapse, respiratory arrest, and profound bradycardia (slow heart rate, less than 60 beats per minute).


Recently, on the Veterinary Information Network, a computer network for practicing veterinarians, an announcement was placed in the cardiology section entitled "Acepromazine and Boxers." This described several adverse reactions to the drug in a very short time span at a veterinary teaching hospital. All the adverse reactions were in Boxers and suggested that Acepromazine should not be used in dogs of the Boxer breed because of a breed related sensitivity to the drug.

This drug is the most commonly prescribed tranquilizer in veterinary medicine. We strongly recommend that Boxer owners avoid the use of this drug, especially when the dog will be unattended and/or unable to receive emergency medical care if it is needed.


If your vet needs more than your word that you do NOT want your boxer treated with this drug, tell your vet to refer to their "Handbook of Veterinary Drugs". Every vet has one. Tell them to go to the section on ACEPROMAZINE. In this section (1993ed) They will find this information:


"Prolonged effects of the drug may be seen in older animals. Giant breeds, as well as greyhounds, appear quite sensitive to the clinical effects of the drug, yet terrier breeds appear more resistant. Boxer dogs, on the other hand, are predisposed to hypotensive and bradycardic effects of the drug."

"The Chase" Photography by:
Patrick McArdle
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