"The chase" Photo by: Padraicyclops
"The Chase" Photography by:
Patrick McArdle

"My name is Callaway but most people call me Calley.  Although I'm always mistaken for a boy, I'm definitely all girl.  My mom and dad love to dress me in pink to help maintain my female image.  I am fairly new to the Boxer Rescue but I'm so excited.  I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing with my life and now I know just what it is.  So far I've been the mascot at the Petco in Auburn whenever the Boxer Rescue is there.  It's easy work I must say, greeting all the people and the dogs as they arrive.  At my Petco visits, I've learned that mommy likes me to pretend I'm small by laying down whenever I see a dog arrive that's smaller than me.  Who does she think I'm kidding? I can't wait to get my paws dirty when they start asking me to meet other boxers and potential families.  I guess I get to sniff arount the house too to make sure everything smells good.  It sounds like an easy way to earn doggie treats."

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